ColorStack Visits Duolingo HQ in Pittsburgh
Earlier this month, the ColorStack team visited Duolingo’s headquarters in Pittsburgh, marking the culmination of three consecutive years of increased partnership between the two companies.
The purpose of the trip was to further strengthen this relationship and included open discussions about how best to support Black and Latinx job candidates, information sessions about undergraduate internships, and conversations about what Duolingo looks for in its recruiting process. The schedule also consisted of meetings with Employee Resource Group (ERG) leaders and meetings to discuss what the partnership between ColorStack and Duolingo could look like in the next five to ten years.
While there were many highlights––including a meeting with Duolingo CEO, Luis von Ahn and getting to explore Pittsburgh's unmatched food scene––ColorStack founder and CEO, Jehron Petty says that he was especially excited about Duolingo’s data driven approach to discussing the partnership. “I appreciate them sharing information about ColorStack members in the pipeline with us and using that as a starting point for further conversation about what challenges we can solve in the future,” he says.
Duolingo also provided the team with feedback on last year's Stacked Up Summit. They noted that Hopin was very easy to navigate and that they enjoyed the spotlight for their team to shine during their “Charting the Course: Securing A Summer Internship” presentation.
Overall, the trip gave both ColorStack and Duolingo team members the opportunity to celebrate their already impressive track record of partnership and discuss the bright future ahead. “[The HQ visit] demonstrated their commitment to playing the ‘long game’ with us,” says Jehron. “They're really trying to join forces and help us achieve our mission, which will inevitably enable them to achieve their goals as well.”